

Standard Operating Procedures for Call Centers

The primary purpose of a standard operating procedure manual is to give the workers treasured information on how to do several tasks and processes. In a call center, standard operating procedure manuals outline all from recruitment programs to handling assignment and call load prediction to specify how calls should be reviewed, observed and recorded.

last updated Thursday, May 2, 2024
#call center procedures #Standard Operating Procedure

by John Burson    
Standard Operating Procedures for Call Centers


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Standard operating procedure manuals assist call centers in following compliance, decreasing complications, and meeting business goals.

Managerial Policies for Call Centers

The call center SOP (standard operating procedures) should purely outline the administrative policies concerning timekeeping, coverage of shifts, turnout, paid time off, overtime, flextime, and other issues on management. As a call center staff member, you can include many employees' and administrators' records. The standard operating procedure should be the guidebook that employees can reference while handling several scenarios. Several call centers have shift offers where workers can switch shifts with fellow agents.

Performance Management

In call center management, metrics are the primary form of measurement that assists in describing performance standards and expectations within the call center. With the help of metrics, managers can determine the norm time callers use on hold, how many calls were left unattended because the callers got tired of waiting in line, and how many were answered, resulting in a sale resolution. The standard operating procedure manual should insist on meeting the expectations of all call center agents regarding handling and call resolutions.

Coaching and Training

In a call center, coaching and training are essential. However, they may be challenging to schedule. It is vital to make a chance to host training and coaching conferences and document relevant training linked to info in the standard operating procedure manual. Several call centers have removed hard copies courtesy of electronic versions, which decrease costs and can be updated quickly—some link to a learning management system website where workers can take courses with administrators' approval.


It is essential always to include the agents if there is a discussion regarding any change that may impact the performance of the call center agents. Mainly because they may give suggestions from their viewpoints, your call center should have a specific procedure that enables agents to give direct comments to the choice-makers who may be detached from what the company clientele says.


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