
Formatting your Procedures and Policies Manuals

Just as the content and organization of your procedure and policy manual are relevant, so is the format and appearance of the procedure and policy statement.

last updated Saturday, March 23, 2024
#Policies and Procedures #Procedures Manual

John Burson     Subscribe
Formatting your Procedures and Policies Manuals


If you attractively format your policies and procedures manual, employees will take it seriously and refer to it regularly.

Information is communicated through Procedure Manuals.

A business manual is meant to inform a reader at the right time and resourcefully as opposed to impressing him/her with elegant modes of printing and complicated headings. A simple format is usually the best. Cost efficiency and more time can be attained in an operating procedure that is simple and can be cast off as a common manual format. Logos, double-sided copies, large paper patterns, a lot of details, and limiting binding techniques should be avoided.

Procedure Manual Plan

The plan is the first aspect of learning how to format your policy and procedure manual. By reviewing the preliminary listing of procedures and policies with all employees assigned in each section, you should be able to decide the approximate length and usage of your policy and procedure. Based on your company's requirements and the instructions in this publication, you can select the format of your policy and procedure reports and how you will divide the manual into sections.

Using single-sided printing provides an easy duplicate of other papers, and the manual can easily be updated. The sections should be used to separate departmental and functional areas for easy finding of a particular statement.

Procedure manual style


You can use colors to entitle various forms, memos, and manuals, among other things. Even if colors can create an attractive appearance, they can, however, complicate photocopying or printing. The grade of the paper is not significant. Therefore, a weightier paper can be necessary if a two-sided paper is used.


Strange-type styles and artwork should be avoided, and reliability in the general appearance of the whole policy manual should be strived for regardless of where it originates.

Avoid using photocopy reductions, small prints, and all-capital prints in decorative script style, as these are difficult to read. Provide an adequate margin on the page.

Attractive procedure manual format

A policy and procedure manual that is eye-catching and emphasizes the importance of the policy and procedure is likely to be taken seriously and read by the employees to accomplish their tasks.


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