
What It Costs To Write Policies And Procedures

Most people wonder whether developing a policy and procedure manual is expensive. But is this the right question?

last updated Tuesday, April 30, 2024
#Policies and Procedures #Value of Creating Policies

John Burson     Subscribe
What It Costs To Write Policies And Procedures


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When preparing policies and procedures documents, there are things to consider:

  1. The cost.
  2. The time value for not creating policies and procedures.
  3. The cost of creating and not using policies and procedures.

The value of creating policies and procedure

When we talk about the value of writing, we refer to labor costs. Someone has to research for you, ensure you get the best experts, and write a policy and procedure manual. The expenses include personnel costs, continuing costs of operation, skills, and tools.

If you are doing it yourself, make sure you get a manager familiar with the policies and procedures manual so that he can go through your work and approve it. You can also involve other professionals like lawyers on the subject concerned. When you are done, the rules are read and released to those who will use them. This includes training to introduce the documents and ensure you have revision control, then follow up to ensure they are being used correctly.

Value of not creating policies and procedures

You will lose customers due to poor service and not realizing your mistakes because of not creating a policies and procedure manual. This is also often caused by not having adequately defined business processes. Poor or non-existence of policy and procedure manuals result in inferior quality and losses because of squandering, fraud, and misuse of business and other recourse.

To avoid the loss, it is always good to prepare the policies and procedure documents because compared to the loss, it is much cheaper.

The value of creating policies and procedures and not being used

There is value in coming up with a policy and procedure manual. It consumes time and resources, yet the guidelines not being used can be a significant loss. Just imagine a company that spends a lot of time producing the document, and they don’t use them; instead, they file the documents.

How expensive is it if the policies and procedures are not developed

A policy and procedure manual is necessary because it helps you avoid some practices like fraud, poor customer service, and low quality. Once the document is used correctly, there must be a definite improvement in business.


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