
Jonh   John Burson 
edited Thursday, September 21, 2023


Skyscraper Technique can help you improve your content marketing strategy by leaps and bounds. Learn how it works to help you rank better than your competitors.

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There are so many B2B marketing ideas floating around the internet. One particularly well-known strategy, which comes from Backlinko’s Brian Dean, is called the Skyscraper Technique. SEO professionals and inbound marketers often praise the effectiveness of this technique. If you have never heard of the strategy, however, here are the basic steps:

Content Discovery

Begin by finding an article in your industry that has generated social media attention, comments, shares and generally high rankings in Google. The article you select should also 1) allow you to optimize for a search term your website can reasonably rank for and 2) be a topic you can reasonably approve upon.

Content improvement

Once you’ve found a buzzworthy article, you’ll need to write a better version of it. Make it more encompassing. Make it prettier. Make it more current. Make it all-around more impressive than the other articles already available on the web.

Content Distribution Strategy

To begin, you’ll need to identify the industry bloggers, media outlets, customers and aggregate outlets that may be interested in your new article.  Once your media list has been identified, now comes the fun part: content marketing. The success of the Skyscraper Technique comes from pitching to your targeted audience that your new content is worth sharing. When you email these individuals, be sure to ask them to link to your content if they enjoy it.

Is it a good B2B Content Marketing Strategy?

Taking existing content, making it better and reaching out to the right people – a simple strategy that any company, big or small, can utilize. Right? The effectiveness of most B2B marketing ideas is contested widely on the web, and this one is no exception. It’s up to you to decide if the pros outweigh the cons.


Even if nothing else worked, you still have content better than your competitors — and that helps position you as a thought-leader in your industry. Besides that, fresh content will always be beneficial for your SEO. You always have the excuse of your content to make contact with industry influencers. At the end of the day, your network is still your net worth.


The Skyscraper Technique might have some challenges for fledgling sites initially. Competing against high domain authority sites can be difficult. If you’re expecting to be on the coveted first page of search results, you will likely be disappointed. High difficulty keywords will still play a major role in your site’s ability to rank. If your site is smaller, consider practicing this strategy on a search term with low difficulty.

An example of CRM system that helps in B2B content marketing strategy through Skyscraper Technique is