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Access EB 5 investment projects to obtain an EB5 investment visa by EB5 Marketplace

The investment included EB5 Rural, Regional Center, and Direct Investment Projects.

Paperfree Alternative Investments' EB5 Marketplace offers EB 5 investment projects vetted for obtaining an EB5 investment visa. | Paperfree

What is EB5 Marketplace by Paperfree?

Paperfree EB5 Marketplace has a mission to become a reliable gateway for foreign families to access direct and regional center-sponsored investment projects. These investment opportunities include EB5 Rural Projects, EB5 Regional Center Investments, and EB5 Direct Investment Projects.

The EB 5 marketplace follows a systematic process of filling the investment project pipeline, thoroughly vetting projects, and presenting them to potential investors. This ensures that investors invest in quality projects that provide the main benefit of obtaining an EB5 investment visa.

All EB-5 Marketplace Investment Projects Categories

Each opportunity can only accommodate a limited number of investors, as each investor has unique investment criteria. Please review the list of opportunities and choose the one that best aligns with your goals.


What is the EB5 Visa Program?

The EB-5 Program, established in 1990, offers foreign individuals the opportunity to invest in a new or existing US commercial enterprise as a path to an investment visa and then transition to a Green Card. EB-5 investors and their families can obtain permanent residency through this program, granting them the freedom and flexibility to live and work anywhere in the United States. It's worth noting that a single EB-5 investment enables the primary applicant, their spouse, and unmarried children under 21 to obtain the investment visa.

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