Access Alternative Investments Opportunities by Paperfree Alternative Investment Marketplace to build smart portfolios.
Paperfree alternative investment marketplace offers exclusive access to Real Estate, Private Equity, and Private Debt investment opportunities.
What is Alternative Investments Marketplace by Paperfree?
Paperfree is an alternative investment marketplace for individual and institutional investors seeking to invest in alternative assets, such as private equity and real estate. We are a boutique-style investment platform offering investors various alternative investment vehicles.
Paperfee mission is to be a trusted gateway to a broad range of passive alternative investments for the investment community.
Alternative Marketplace Categories

Personalized alternative real estate investments
to Build and Preserve Wealth
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EB5 Marketplace: Vetted Investment Projects for a Smoother EB5 Visa Process
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are alternative investments?
Alternative investments (Alts) are financial assets that do not fall into the traditional categories of stocks, bonds, and cash. Alts are typically less liquid and more illiquid than traditional investments and often involve higher risk.
There are two main types:
- Private assets. Private alternative investments include private equity, private credit, private real estate, and collectibles such as art and rare coins.
- Hedge funds.
Most people use alternative asset investments to diversify their portfolios and potentially generate higher returns, although success is not guaranteed.
Before committing any money, carefully considering any alternative investment's risks and potential rewards is essential.
Learn more about alternatives.
Why invest in alternative investments?
"More investors are shifting from traditional investments to alternatives to boost returns and generate income.1 " BlackRock Alternative Investments.
Alts are more complex and less frequently traded than public stocks and bonds. Alternatives have historically demonstrated the ability to improve risk/return versus traditional portfolios, above-market returns, and lower volatility.
Learn more about - Why alternative investments?
Why our alternative investment opportunities?
- Why do we do it?
We believe alternative investments are critical building blocks of an intelligent investment portfolio. - What we do.
We vet alternative investment opportunities and offer you exclusive access to them. - How we do it.
As trusted industry insiders, we build a network of top managers that give us access to boutique opportunities that are simply not available anywhere else. We build processes to systematically quantify intrinsic values, accurately evaluate risks, and identify high-return potential opportunities.
Our platform provides diverse investment strategies to support your needs. Schedule a free discovery consultation with our Investments Concierge to find the best fit alternative strategies depending on your goals.
What are other alternative investments marketplaces?
- Schwab alternative investment marketplace platform.
Financial advisors and high-net-worth clients can access private funds partnering with the Schwab platform. Shawab Alt Marketplace is partnering with Capital Network, the technology platform, to deliver a robust experience. - BlackRock Alternative Investments Platform.
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