
What is an Enterprise Management System?

enterprise content management software, what is enterprise content management

last updated Tuesday, March 19, 2024
#what is enterprise content management #enterprise content management software

John Burson     Subscribe
What is an Enterprise Management System?


Enterprise Content Management Definition

Wiki: An Enterprise Content Management System is a set of software tools designed to organize, sort, and distribute unstructured content, such as:
  • documents,
  • images,
  • health records, 
  • accounting records,
  • surveys,
  • product information,
  • emails,
  • web pages,
  • other.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software uses organizational models to impose order on data, such as:

  • branching folders,
  • metadata taxonomies,
  • Search,
  • filtering. 

ECM is collaborative

ECM Systems allow the collaborative editing of documents by specified users.

ECM can improve an organization's business processes

ECM software can automate different business processes, distributing data to specific individuals or groups for editing or approval. 

ECM provides security

ECM software keeps data secure through granular permission structures.

ECM can be used in any business

ECM software can be used in organizations of all sizes. ECMs can be tailored to unique needs, such as:
  • Accounting departments - tracking RFPs, invoices, and receipts;
  • HR departments - maintaining employee records;
  • Government;
  • Healthcare providers - storing health records and related documentation. 

ECM is a part of the IT infrastructure

ECM software can often integrate with other systems such as CRM,  EHR, or ERP systems.

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