

Jonh   John Burson 
edited Thursday, February 6, 2020

In Life, It’s Relationship, Relationship, Relationship

McKiernan is a businessman and insurance broker who hosted a workshop for local businesses on advantages of working jointly...

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McKiernan is a businessman and insurance broker who hosted a workshop for local businesses on advantages of working jointly...

In Life, It’s Relationship, Relationship, Relationship
Thomas J. McKiernan is a businessman and insurance broker who hosted a workshop for local businesses on advantages of working jointly with his Darien firm, Abercrombie, Burns, McKiernan & Company, and his banker and business partner, First County Back. In reality, it was a lesson on the value of relationships built on integrity, trust, mutual self-respect, and fairness. Tom lives by the Golden Rule.

Tom came to Abercrombie in early 1976 with expectations of future ownership, however, fate intervened. Mr. Abercrombie died six weeks after Tom Started. The firm’s then bank refused to take a risk on a new owner. Tom turned to First County Bank, and the rest as we like to say is history. Since June 1, 1976, there has been a business relationship built on loyalty, fairness, and mutual respect.

Tom shared an anecdote on the nature of service at First County Bank. He challenged all present to call the bank at 203-462-4200 and be pleasantly surprised to hear a live voice, the voice of “a lovely lady” answering your call, If you drop in at the Darien location, you will find coffee and cookies.
Photo: Tom McKiernan


Service with a smile. That everyone hates insurance, hates thinking about insurance, and hates trying to understand insurance is a given. Tom knows you will be glad it’s there and that you have the right coverage when you need it. As an insurance customer, you must be fair to the people you are asking for help. Tom noted that what you share with your broker is confidential, much like your attorney or priest.
it is absolutely necessary that one share the spots or blemishes

For example, it is absolutely necessary that one share the spots or blemishes on your record. If you once had a DUI, let your agent know that up front, rather than when trying to make a claim. The door swings both ways. While banking has trended toward being transactional and less personal, bankers are responsible for educating and teaching you about your investments.  

And agents are responsible for giving you the best and most affordable coverage to meet your needs. When you have four cars and put two each with separate companies, you are hurting or losing coverage. When you “forget” to mention a nanny as a frequent and principle driver, you are shooting yourself in the foot and ignoring your need for workers’ comp. 
Or would you like to read your policy after falling and breaking your leg and then discover you and your attorney husband will need to pay out of pocket for the $31,000 for your uninsured hospitalization?

If you are looking for insurance, Tom McKiernan has several suggestions for you:

  1. Look for a well-established and well known insurance agency and broker.
  2. Get to know the staff and your broker at the firm.
  3. Be brutally honest with them about your needs as an individual or family, and share your issues or blemishes.
  4. Allow time for your broker to search the marketplace to find coverage that is truly best for you.
  5. Do not buy whole life insurance as a retirement plan. Look to term insurance to cover and meet your needs.
Tom also shared thoughts on characteristics of the ideal client or customer:
  1. Stability of the individual or family, as well as the occupation or business along with longevity of a business.
  2. Honesty and integrity, willing to let it all hang out, be real, be transparent.
  3. Truly looking for help out of genuine concern, not simply price shopping from agency to agency, and company to company. Price shoppers are out the door
  4. Has a real desire to be advised and gain wisdom from the agent, has an openness to learning and understanding the whys of recommendations.
If you would like a real consultation on your insurance needs, not a sales pitch, call 800-767-7082 or 203-655-7468. Visit their website: Abercrombie, Burns, McKiernan & Company.
you and your attorney husband will need to pay out of pocket for the $31,000 for your uninsured hospitalization?


In Life, It’s Relationship, Relationship, Relationship

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