Jonh   John Burson 
edited Friday, May 5, 2017

Insurance Sales Tips

Deploy Business Management Tips to Consolidate and Enhance Your Insurance Products Sales Experience

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Who trained you to sell insurance? Were they operating from an old-school, hard paper and numbers-driven paradigm? If so, you're missing out on several small business management techniques that will enhance your ability to meet customers' needs and close deals effectively - and efficiently - without a lot of salesy mumbo-jumbo.

Deploy Tips to Consolidate and Enhance Your Insurance Products Sales Experience

  1. Remember to Help Before You Close. You know why salespeople have a bad reputation? Because the old-school model is all about the Close - at any cost. That meant customers were often bullied into buying products and services they didn't really need, leaving them with a bad feeling. The modern salesperson uses psychology - not bullying - to help customers learn more about products that will truly benefit them.
  2. It's about connection, not numbers. Your clients want to connect. They want an insurance salesperson who has carefully reviewed their needs and has personalized products and services to meet those needs. They require an agent who will listen to their concerns and educate them regarding future options, like life insurance, long-term care insurance or umbrella policies that provide coverage where their current policies leave off. These are all examples of how you can connect with a client - and none of them require a conversation about numbers until the client is ready to hear them.
  3. Prioritize consistency. A client will not feel unique or valued if you constantly have to shuffle through your stack of notes, "recalling" their information. The modern approach requires cloud-based software and/or customer relationship management software (CRM) that provides all of the information you need regarding a client, his or her insurance history, family member names, documents and any other notes that are relevant to clients and prospects. Storing them all in one place for a quick review before your meetings will ensure you always appear "in the know."

Looking for assistance consolidating your contacts, products, document and other tools in one place? Contact PaperFree to learn more about our products. Our goal is to make you a better salesperson so you "close" deals the modern way.


Insurance Product Sales With

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