

Jonh   John Burson 
edited Tuesday, May 2, 2017

SAP vs Oracle vs Microsoft Dynamics

SAP vs Oracle, SAP vs Oracle vs Microsoft Dynamics

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The following table contains a summary of the analysis of ERP research and benchmark data is available on market.

SAP Oracle Microsoft Dynamics
Market Share 23% 16% 9%
Short-list Rates 45% 31% 18%
Selection Rates When Short Listed 21% 14% 9%
Implementation Duration 19.5 months 23.4 months 24.9 months
Total Cost of Ownership $2.2 million $2.7 million $1.7 million
Payback Period 9 months 21 months 22 months
Disruption at Go-live 57% 60% 71%
Percentage Realizing at Least 50-percent of Anticipated Business Benefits 21% 14% 21%

Why not SAP or Oracle or Microsoft [video]

Why you should not consider big players software to support your fast growing business.

SAP vs Oracle vs Microsoft Dynamics

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