
Interface Overview

The  interface gives you an access to application  and More Partner Applications.


The components of interface are:

  • Menu
  • New post creator
  • List of created posts

New post creator

The New post creator bar provides access to the core modules of the application such as Create Order, Task and Transaction and more.


  • Create Order – The Create Order module quickly and easily allows you to create orders.
  • Task - The Task module quickly and easily allows you to create tasks of feedback.
  • Transaction – The Transaction module quickly and easily allows you to create transactions of your business.
  • and more

The Side Menu allows you to access all the modules and tools within the PaperFree business management system.


The Search Bar provides you with module specific options to manage your business activities. You can search and apply filters on records, sort records, create a new record and access more options based on the module you are working.


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