
About us

The story has evolved from an enterprise management software company into a quant-driven real estate investment company. Paperfree provides access to systematically vetted, well-diversified private investments.

Why We Do It

Paperfree is an investment platform dedicated to improving the world by streaming capital, talent, and technology to initiatives that advance the world.

How We Do It

 We built a platform for Private Investment Funds and managed collaboration between people, making it easy for investors to find the best product that meets their investment strategy.

What We Do

  1. We acquire underperforming and undervalued businesses backed by real estate assets throughout the United States.
  2. We reinvigorate business performance through:
    1. operating efficiencies and management optimization,
    2. real estate asset repositioning, strategic improvements to change its place in the marketplace.
  3. We hold the business for maximum returns and share it with our investors and partners.

Investment principle

  1. Discount on replacement cost.
  2. Cash flow Inherent.
  3. Promising cash flow growth: the margin of safety recapture, forced value growth, and capital appreciation.

Investment Focus

We are long-term, value-oriented investors with a strong focus on capital preservation and a disciplined acquisition strategy. The properties we look to acquire are in the top 50 MSAs in the United States, purchased at a discount from intrinsic value, and operated by the best-fit team.

Our Process

  1. Deal engineering
    1. Opportunity identification
      We are highly selective in the opportunities we look at.
      Our multichannel opportunities funnel, detailed acquisition criteria, and robust infrastructure enable us to support ongoing high-quality deal flow.
      The opportunities funnel is tuned to source opportunities with characteristics of mispriced and underperforming income streams based on intrinsic value rather than the market's perception of value.
    2. In-depth analysis
      Our acquisition team, powered by progressive operations, enables us to perform preliminary analysis, a timeline of 36 hours, and deliver a detailed business plan in 72 hours.
  2. Acquisition
  3. Business plan execution
    Boost Net Operating Income (NOI) and compress Capitalization rate (CAP) through reinvigorating:
    1. operating efficiencies,
    2. lease-up vacancy,
    3. asset strategic improvements.
  4. Preferred returns distributions
  5. Disposition
    We re-finance or sell property with a profit based on the new increased value.
  6. Returns distributions

Why invest with us

We believe in active management and value investment.

Paperfree sources unique alternative investment products that provide attractive risk-adjusted returns while protecting investor capital. 

We strive to create investment opportunities with superior management teams, future-proof asset classes, and distinct product structures that can provide durable income and growth potential, reduced volatility, and low correlation to traditional markets.

Investments are diversified by property type, market, and timing to reduce exposure to movement in any single market and minimize volatility.


Vetted deals

We critically and systematically review and evaluate all opportunities with an institutional mindset.


Private market

Historically, the private market overperformed the public.

Private Placements*

Public listed REIT

Public market correlation risk**
low high low
Targeted returns***
%%% % %%
tax write-offs pass through to investor**** tax write-offs applied on the trust level tax write-offs applied on the trust level
Yes, included high low
Communities impact
 + +
Regulated by SEC
low***** highly highly
Operator's motivation
performance-based fee-based fee-based
Eligibility to invest
accredited investor anyone anyone

*Private placements can be structured as private REIT, fund, syndicate, or direct investment.
**This volatility risk, which tracks the movements in the stock market, is called correlation risk.
*** Private real estate investments usually do not provide liquidity in the same manner as public real estate. Because of this, investors typically expect higher returns or what's also known as an "illiquidity premium."
**** In some investment structures.
*****Low level of SEC regulations allows private placement operators the flexibility to invest with a pure institutional style in a larger universe of favorable investment opportunities, which can lead to a more competitive total return than public REITs.

Connect with us

Office: 265 Greenwich Ave, Greenwich, CT 06830
Mailing address: PO BOX "Seven Eight Seven Three" Greenwich CT 06836
Email: 03 at

For deal sponsors: submit a new opportunity
For investors: schedule an introduction call
For brokers and landlords: 
our acquisition criteria  


Founder & Partner
Yury Pronin

Yury Pronin is the Founder of Paperfree, a project that started in 2016 as a tech startup with the product of an integrated business management system that covers CRM, ERP, BPM, and Strategy Maps functionality.

By 2016, he had invested in the equity and debt of a few successful real estate-oriented companies. Within those investments, he discovered the vast operational inefficiency of the commercial real estate market, high performance, and direct social impact of those investments. That discovery helped Yury spin-off from a pure technology company to a real estate technology-driven investment company on its way to building a one-billion-dollar portfolio under management by 2028.