
Uploading a Document

To upload a document, follow the steps given below.

1.  Navigate to the Documents & Files option in the Side Bar.

The Documents & Files page will be displayed.

2.  To upload a document, click the Upload button.

The Upload Files dialog will be displayed.

3.  Select the file that you wish to upload by clicking the Select File option.

The File Upload dialog will be displayed.

4.  Select the file that you wish to upload and click the Open button.

The selected file will be added to the field.

5.  In the Additions section, enter the comments if any in the Comments text entry box.

6.  Select the folder from the Folder drop down list.

7.  In the Indexes section, select the indexes from the Indexes drop down list.

8.  Specify whether you wish to extract zip archives or not by checking or un-checking the Extract ZIP Archives option.

9.  Click the Close button.

The selected file will be uploaded.

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