
Focus on a single goal

User story: 003.

Related questions:
How do I focus on a single goal?

There are two paths: 

Path #1. Through Places list.

business management software

  1. In the left Paperfree menu click on the item Places and then choose the place you want to get in.
  2. At the top Place tabs menu open the tab Playbook.
  3. On the Playbook page click on the section Goals. 
  4. On the Goals page search the Goal you want to focus on and click on it.
You will see the Goal page with all posts related to the selected goal.

Path #2. Through your Library page.

business management software
  1. In the left Paperfree menu click on the item Library.
  2. On the library page click on the section Goals.
  3. On the Goals page search the Goal you want to focus on.

You will see the Goal page with all posts related to the selected goal.

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