
Add Custom Role

In addition to the basic settings of access employees, you can specify additional roles. Each part has a special function.
Roles are configured in the settings of access of employees on the tab "Access to the operations."

Employee roles

Disable editing anything, just watching and comments

This paragraph prohibits the employee to make any changes to any objects. He can only add comments.
Can be used if you want to create such an employee, which would be the auditor - could look, give comments, but nothing changed.

All applications with external forms draws on customers

This item changes the one feature that when a person makes out an application through the online order form.
The standard form is as follows:
Online form
When an employee with the option "All applications with external forms draws on customers' logs on an external website, and then creates an application - this application is not created by him, and the person whose data he introduced. He is recorded as the one who created the order.
Otherwise, the order is generated for him personally.

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